Father’s Day 2020

Happy Father’s Day to ALL the wonderful Dads out there! 

Just like the Mum’s out there, Dad’s have also taken on extra roles during this time of lockdown and we think they deserve more recognition than ever this year too! So, to celebrate the role of fathers and father figures we wanted to chat to some amazing dads who bear all on social media. 

We got chatting to Rich and Lew @twodadsinlondon and Jason @daddyhinch to discuss their families, the highlights and challenges of being a father.

Rich and Lew share their inspirational parenting lifestyle on Instagram and we just can’t get enough! If you don’t already, give them a follow and they’ll give you all the feels in return. 



What has been your biggest challenge so far?

The biggest challenge for us so far has been when our little boy first started Nursery, it was so scary to be leaving him with what to us were just complete strangers. We were so worried about it that we both took the day off together, just in case we had to rush there to pick him up. We went off for some lunch to take our mind off it, chatted lots about how he might be getting on and then without realising it was already time to pick him up. Not sure of what to expect from him when we got there and feeling so anxious about him maybe coming out upset that we left him, he instead came walking out to us with a beaming smile and had enjoyed a great first day. We have now got this all to come again in September, but this time with our little girl and we are nervous already.


What advice would you give to future dads?

The main piece of advice would be to get as much sleep as you can while you can, which trust me you will never truly understand when people like us say this to you, before you have children. But one day you will remember reading this and be like ‘they were right’. Our friends who already had children would always go on about how we should get sleep while we can, but obviously we just used to brush it off and imagined we would be some sort of super parents and never feel tired, but we very quickly learnt our lesson.


Share one moment you are looking forward to in the future?

We are really looking forward to taking the kids on holidays to some of the places that we have been together as a couple and getting to enjoy it all over again, but as a completely different type of holiday and all through their eyes.


Favourite AMA product?

The Seychelles wax melt is by far our favourite, as you can close your eyes and imagine yourself on a lovely beach relaxing with this scent.


Inspired by Mrs Hinch, Jason is an advocate for cleaning, his family and their home. Follow Jason for tips and tricks and follow his journey and adoration for his family.


What is your favourite thing about being a Dad?

How deeply you feel love. Before having children I didn’t know I had the capacity to feel love so strongly, and for a man it’s quite overwhelming. 


How are they dealing with lockdown?

Lockdown has been tough. Given our family circumstances, it has been all the more difficult but I can honestly say my girls have been absolute superstars! I could not be any more proud with how they have handled the last 12 weeks or so. 


What are you most proud of your child/children for?

I guess this is answered in two parts, firstly my eldest who continues to show strength like I’ve never seen before. With all that she has endured, and continues to endure throughout life, she never fails to crack a smile – that in itself is breathtaking. And my Lou, the most amazing little girl. Bright as a button, funny, extraordinary, selfless and kindest sister I could have wished for. She makes me proud everyday.  


What has been your biggest challenge so far?

Biggest challenge so far is taking on the role of mum and dad, cook, cleaner, taxi driver, carer, nurse and everything else the entails being a parent. Some days are tough and tiring, moments when you think please go easy on me but I honestly would not change it for the world. 


What advice would you give to future dads?

To embrace every moment you have with your children, you never know what’s around the corner that could instantly change your life forever. Hold them, love them, teach them, encourage them, laugh with them and cry with them but most importantly let them know you are always there no matter what. 


Share one moment you are looking forward to in the future?

To walk my daughter down the aisle with whomever she falls in love with. 


What is your favourite AMA product? 

This is a tough one, I’d probably say the advent calendar so far. My daughter loves the wax melts, the scents give her so much sensory stimulation and it’s a joy to watch. 


How are you recognising a special Dad this Father’s Day? 
Share with us @avamayaromas on Instagram! 

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