Happy work-life week!
Striking a balance between work life and home life can be difficult. We are by no means experts but, to raise awareness for work-life week, we have put pen to paper and discussed ideas on how the AMA Team create their own work-life balance.
2020 has been a year of unprecedented change, with one of the biggest shifts from needing to be ‘in the office’ to employees working from home. For many, it has helped increase productivity and focus, but when we are working from the dining table or tucked-up in bed with our PJs on (how many of us are guilty of that?!), it can feel difficult to separate home and work life. With constant work updates and notifications from technology it can feel impossible to truly switch off. So here are some of the AMA Team’s top tips…
Tip 1:
‘Eat that Frog’ – This is the title of a fantastic book by Brian Tracy full of tips on how to avoid procrastinating. The number 1 tip Brian Tracy promotes is to always create a list and at the top of that list should be the task you would most like to avoid aka ‘the frog’. The theory is that by ‘eating the frog’ first thing, you will then procrastinate less as a result, because the rest of your task list is more appealing. It can be difficult to force yourself into this habit at first, but it really does work.
Tip 2:
Timescales – It is important to prioritise, and to ensure that you align your agenda with realistic goals and timings for projects, both large and small. Balancing your schedule against others’ demands, it can become easy to get caught up in other peoples projects and, before you know it, the working day is over and your own to-do list is even longer. Working backwards to create a realistic timescale can be a great tip. This way you can plan to give yourself plenty of time to complete projects and ensure that deadlines do not suddenly overwhelm you.
Tip 3:
Eat! – Remember always to make time for a lunch break, no matter how busy you are. Eating is so important, it literally recharges your body and heightens your blood sugar to give you that all important energy boost for the afternoon. Why not schedule it into your to-do list? Having a lunch break also allows your mind to rest, again helping you to be more productive. Taking a walk, getting some fresh air, and listening to music can all help to ensure the second half of your day is as productive as the first.
Tip 4:
Make time for ‘other’ events – Making time for hobbies and things you love throughout the week will give you something to look forward to while at work. It may be seeing a friend or attending an exercise class in the evening. Enjoyable events or activities do not just have to be at the weekend and can really help to give your week a sense of routine and structure. For example I (Hannah) attend a yoga class on Monday, which is something I really look forward to and sets my week up on a positive note.
Tip 5:
Reset & Refresh – Why not try a Sunday ‘reset’ – the perfect way to prepare for the work week ahead. Spending the morning doing domestic chores, getting the house organised and tidy, whilst having your bags ready and an outfit chosen for the next day will all help to reach a calm and peaceful mindset. This in turn makes it far easier to switch off and have a restful nights sleep knowing everything is ready for following morning. As the evening draws in, take some time on your own, light your burner with your favourite wax melt to create a cosy atmosphere, and catch up on your favourite TV shows. Having an evening routine doesn’t just have to apply to a Sunday either. Preparing your bags and outfit each evening is a great habit to get into and can really help your mornings feel less rushed and chaotic.
We would love to hear your top tips for striking that work life balance, so share them with us @avamayaromas or use the hashtag #avamayaromas